When I clicked on the Debug button on my navigation panel it said "To customise Run and Debug create a launch.json file." Clicking on "create." opened a dialog asking what language I was debugging. Step 2: Document the first few lines of your program to include your name, the date, and a brief description of what the program does. Select your location and save this file as Lab5-4.py. Per comment, you might be prompted to create a launch.json file by clicking the Debug button itself: Prior to entering code, save your file by clicking on File and then Save. It can be configured to run test using a local and a docker based interpreter (see Extension Settings). To create a launch.json file, open your project folder in VS Code (File > Open Folder) and then select the Configure gear icon on the Debug view top bar. Pytest Runner for Visual Studio Code Version History Q & A Rating & Review This vscode extension allows you to run test ( in a very quick way) in your python codebase using pytest. If you don't have a launch.json file, try this:

Or you can use your terminal or command prompt to install them.

Remember the launch.json file may be specific to your project, or specific to your directory, so confirm you're editing the correct launch.json (see comment) Search for Jupyter in Microsoft Visual Studio Codes Extension: Marketplace and hit on install. the directory where the currently-open Python file is located) using: "cwd": "$" as shown above. In launch.json, specify a dynamic working directory (i.e.