You have to execute the following PowerShell script as SYSTEM.

This way you do exactly the same as intune would do. You can use the MDM WMI Bridge Provider to do what you want. We have the facility to push commands and scripts to the laptops so was hoping to do this via powershell. We are trying to accomplish this remotely as our users are all at home, so I need to automate it and have no user involvement in the process, I just want it to factory reset, and bring the laptop up to the off-the-shelf state configuration. We just want the laptops to be totally reset so they don't contain any company information, we're not bothered about completing the OOBE once they are wiped. We are not doing this from any pre-exiting images, and our laptops are running the pre-loaded Windows 10 Pro install, we are just using the in-built Windows 10 "reset this PC" feature as we have no MDM configured. In comparison, the standard reset option lets you choose whether to keep your files, doesn't save any settings, installs the same version of Windows, and lets you choose how to reinstall the OS.I've looked for this answer online and have come across the "systemreset -factoryreset" command which works, but it comes up with the prompt asking if I want to keep my files or remove everything, I want to remove everything, but without the prompt.

To summarize, Fresh Start downloads a fresh copy of the most recent Windows 10 version, keeps your files and some settings, and doesn't leave any manufacturer bloatware, aside from Store apps. The above reset process does not keep any of your settings. Finally, Fresh Start keeps "some Windows settings," but doesn't specify which ones.The only exceptions are Microsoft Store apps that were installed by the manufacturer, which stay. Because of this, Fresh Start avoids clutter by removing all non-standard Windows apps, including manufacturer bloatware.Fresh Start downloads the latest version of Windows 10 from Microsoft, with no option to reinstall from local files.Fresh Start always keeps your personal files, with no option to remove everything and do a full factory reset.